Canfield's Learning Styles Inventory

Score Your Test

Scoring Directions: Be sure you enter a different number in each blank to indicate the order in which you ranked the responses to each item. 1. By the letter of the most descriptive response. 2. By the second most descriptive, etc. through 4. The item numbers go down the page as in the test. Add the figures across the page. Example: add the scores for 1a, 6a, 11a, 16a, 21 a, and 26a. Place the total on the Peer line. Do the same for the remaining lines.


1. a.____ 6. a.____ 11. a.____ 16. a.____ 21. a.____ 26. a.____ Peer____
b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ Organization____
c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ Goal____
d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ Competition____

2. a.____ 7. a.____ 12. a.____ 17. a.____ 22. a.____ 27. a.____ Instructor____
b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ Detail____
c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ Independence____
d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ Authority____


3. a.____ 8. a.____ 13. a.____ 18. a.____ 23. a.____ 28. a.____ Numeric____
b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ Qualitative____
c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ Inamimate____
d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ People____


4. a.____ 9. a.____ 14. a.____ 19. a.____ 24. a.____ 29. a.____ Listening____
b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ Reading____
c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ Iconic____
d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ Dir Exper____

Exp Performance

5. a.____ 10. a.____ 15. a.____ 20. a.____ 25. a.____ 30. a.____ Out/Sup____
b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ b.____ Avg/Good____
c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ c.____ Avg/Sat____
d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ d.____ Bel/Unsat____

Overall Percentage Total

Multiply the score for Out/Sup times three

Out/Sup____x3 = ____

Transfer the score for Avg/Good

Add Avg/Good + ____

Total the above two lines

= ____

Subtract the Bel/Unsat score

Subtract Bel/Unsat - ____

Overall Percentage Total is remainder

Overall % Total = ____

Copy your scores to the next page to discover your learning style