The Education Coalition Affiliates

The Education Coalition is comprised of diverse agencies from across the nation working together to promote educational systemic reform through the use of multiple technologies. These agencies include elementary, secondary, post-secondary, educational agencies, broadcast agencies and a vendor advisory group.

The Goals of The Education Coalition are to use collaborative efforts to:

    • assist the process of change in education;
    • empower all learners through critical dialogue leading to action;
    • develop the uses of instructional technologies and telecommunications for educational change in a variety of technological means including voice, data, and video;
    • increase the abilities of all learners and instructors to use new and developing technologies;
    • collaborate to seek programming funds and the equipment to participate in programming;
    • collaborate to produce programming for use by all affiliates;
    • collaborate to increase affiliates' use, educational impact and evaluation of educational technologies.

In a time of great need and great opportunity, this unprecedented coalition will address significant issues in education. Through a collaborative process all agencies which impact education, individually and collectively, will be able to address teaching and learning differently. The Education Coalition will help to create new public educational systems, models, and partnerships. It will serve as a locus of development, dissemination, research, advocacy, and funding for educational change and the use of technologies. It will provide models of change for students, staffs and community, which include content, processes, and products which are vital for educational change, and use all available community and national resources.


The Unique Capabilities of The Education Coalition

THE EDUCATION COALITION is a unique movement for national educational change because of its:

    • collaborative nature;
    • ability to address issues of diversity and multi-culturalism;
    • use of distance learning, distributed learning systems and programs, and multiple technologies.

Distance learning programs, using satellite, computer and other technologies will be a major delivery system, making local and national resources available to learners of all ages, providing:

    • richer, more innovative educational resources;
    • more equitable access to educational resources;
    • greater advocacy and opportunities for lifelong learning.


Join the other TEC Affiliates!

Through the use of technology, learning will take place in schools, homes,workplaces, libraries, and other community agencies. Through the use of technology, the real world can now become the classroom.